Narrative Text


Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events and it tries to find the resolutions to solve the problems. An important part of narrative text is the narrative mode, the set of methods used to communicate the narrative through a process narration.

Generic Structure of Narrative Text

1. Orientation

Sets the scene : where and when the story happened and introduces the participants of the story : who and what is involved in the story.

2. Complication

Tells the beginning of the problems which leads to the crisis (climax) of the main participants.

3. Resolution

The problem (the crisis) is resolved, either in a happy ending or in a sad (tragic) ending.

4. Re-orientation/Coda

This is a closing remark to the story and it is optional. It consists of a moral lesson, advice or teaching from the writer.

Purpose of Narrative Text

The use of the narrative text itself has several purposes, such as entertaining, educating, telling, conveying the author's experience or as a medium to develop the imagination of the reader. Examples of narrative text such as folklore, fairy tales, or fables that are legendary from all parts of the world, although the narrative text is generally imaginative, some narrative text is also factual.

Language Features of Narrative Text

– Past tense (killed, drunk, etc).

– Adverb of time (Once upun a time, one day, etc).

– Time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc).

– Specific character. The character of the story is specific, not general. (Cinderella, Snow White,

   Alibaba, etc).

– Action verbs. A verb that shows an action. (killed, dug, walked, etc).

– Direct speech. It is to make the story lively. (Snow White said,”My name is Snow White). The direct

   speech uses present tense.

example of narrative text 

The Legend of Surabaya

A long time ago, there were two animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was the name of a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They lived in a sea.

Once Sura and Baya were looking for some food. Suddenly, Baya saw a goat “Yummy, this is my lunch,” said Baya. “No way! This is my lunch. You are greedy” said Sura. Then they fought for the goat. After several hours, they were very tired.

Feeling tired of fighting, they lived in the different places. Sura lived in the water and Baya lived in the land. The border was the beach, so they would never fight again.

One day, Sura went to the land and looked for some food in the river. He was very hungry and there was not much food in the sea. Baya was very angry when he knew that Sura broke the promise. They fought again.

They both hit each other. Sura bit Baya’s tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He bit very hard until Sura finally gave up and went back to the sea. Baya was happy


Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents were dead.

One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White.

Snow White didn’t want her uncle and aunt to do that so she decided that it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away into the woods. She was very tired and hungry. Then she saw a little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs.

The dwarfs said, “What is your name?”

Snow White said, “My name is Snow White.”

Then, Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story.

The dwarfs said, “If you want, you may live here with us.”

Snow White answered, “Oh, could I? Thank you.”

Finally, Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.

1. What type of the text is used by the witer?
a. narrative
b. report
c. anecdote
d. comparative
e. news item

2. To tell the plot, the writers uses…………..
a. a rhetorical question and an exclamation
b. time sequences
c. contrastive evidences
d. past tense
e. concessive conjunctions

3. Why Snow White ran away to the woods?
a. Her parents passed away
b. Her uncle was angry with her
c. Her uncle and aunt would go to America
d. Snow White was happy to run away
e. Snow White liked playing in the woods.

4. When did Snow White run away to the woods?
a. In the afternoon
b. In the morning
c. In the evening
d. In the full moon
e. In the middle of night

5 Where did Snow White live after she ran away to the woods?
a. She lived in the cave
b. She lived in the lion nest
c. She lived everywhere in the woods
d. She lived in the dwarfs’ cottage
e. She lived on the street

uh 8 

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